
What is civil Engineering ?

    CIVIL ENGINEERING  Civil engineering  is a  professional engineering  discipline that deals with the design, construction, and maintenance of the physical and naturally built environment, including public works such as roads, bridges, canals, dams, airports, sewerage systems, pipelines, structural components of buildings, and railways. History  :   Civil engineering as a discipline : Civil engineering is the application of physical and scientific principles for solving the problems of society, and its history is intricately linked to advances in the understanding of  physics  and  mathematics  throughout history. Because civil engineering is a broad profession, including several specialized sub-disciplines, its history is linked to knowledge of structures, materials science, geography, geology,  soils ,  hydrology ,  environmental science ,  mechanics ,  project management , and other fields. Father of civil engineering : - John Smeaton Education Civil engineers  typically possess

Today's price of building Materials

                                            Today's Price of         Building Material         There are Various type of Building Material which are used in construction of house. Which are listed Below:-            Cement, Sand, Glass, Plastic, Structural steel, Graphene, Carbon Composite, Paints and Varnishes, Asbestos, Laminates And Adhesives, Timbers,             Acoustics material and geo-textile, and many more, all these component make important role in the construction of sustainable and beautiful house.           But, in all of our mind we have a question that what are the prices of these material because it is helpful in purchasing of these material during CORONA                        Pandemics.                                                             So, lets started,       1.   CEMENT                         (a.) BIRLA A1 CEMENT                          Its price is 430 Rupees per bag.                              (b.) MAHA OPC 53 GRADE CEMENT                        

Slope Failure

              Mass Wasting or Slope Failure      After reading this article , you should be able to : Explain how slope stability is related to slope angle  Summarize some of the factors that influence the strength  of material on slopes, including types of rock, presence  and orientation of planes of weakness such as bedding or fracture , type of unconsolidated material and the effect of water summarize the type of motions that can happen during mass Wasting          Early in the morning on Jan 9, 1965 , 47 million cubic meters of rock broke away from the steep upper slope of johnson Peak and roared 2000 m down the mountain,  which is shown in above figure . four people who have been stooped on the highway by a snow avalanche were killed. Mass Wasting is synonymous with " slop failure " is the failure and downslope movement of rock or unconsolidated material in the response to gravity. the term ' land slide' is almost synonymous with mass wasting

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